Six months of work, bilateral and multilateral discussions, regional workshops and exchanges of ideas: the report on the capitalization of the Euro-Mediterranean Anti-Trafficking Network was presented this morning to Secours Catholique Caritas France!
Thanks to the F3E for the accompaniement, and to all the partners of the Anti-Trafficking Network, including, but not limited to: Ariela Mitri, Geneviève Colas, Jakup Sabedini, Sanja Horvat, Gohar Yeranyan, Natalia Holynska, Noha Roukoss, Belinda Mumcu, Aydun Zeynalova, Danilo Jelenc, Lana Snobar, Nesreen Dababneh, Kremena Tsaneva, Jana Verdura, Carmen Gomez, Hilde Daems, Elnara Petit and Bistra Netkova.
The timeline representing 9 years of the Anti-Trafficking Network is already available here
Just a few weeks to wait, the report will soon be available online.
#partnership #capitalization #report #learning #network #humantrafficking #antitrafficking #TEH #thankstoall