This Wednesday, the study on the conditions of detention of death row inmates in Malaysia will be launched. This study was carried out by ECPM – Ensemble contre la peine de mort and ADPAN, in partnership with Synergies Coopération. Written by Carole Berrih / Ngeow Chow Ying.

This report is derived from a fact-finding mission carried out in Malaysia from July 2019 to February 2020 by ADPAN and ECPM (Together Against the Death Penalty). It was led by an ADPAN member and two lawyers from the Malaysian Bar Council, who conducted semi-directive individual interviews with death row prisoners, relatives of people sentenced to death, faithbased organizations providing religious counselling in prison, lawyers and psychiatrists in Malaysia. Carole Berrih, the author of the report, accurately uses all the accounts collected and puts them into context within the country’s criminal and penitentiary systems.

Death row report Malaysia

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